Monday, September 8, 2008

Living Environmental Friendly. Start Homesteading with organic food, recycling and avoiding the toll on Gas prices

Is time to hear what other people have to say about the environment, about what are they doing.

People have come to us and say is hard to do what Agua-Luna does, but you don't have to do it all, neither change it all in a shot, start with little steps and learn from these examples:

"Hi, my name is Iris, and this is what me and my family are doing for the environment. First we live near our jobs therefore using the car less and less. We are using canvas bags to bring our groceries home. We are switching over to florescent light bulbs. Next I have taken T- shirts that no longer fit our children and are in great condition and have turn them into some cool pillow case, they are soft and a conversation piece. I have decided to turn a laundry canvas hampers into recycle bins. We are new at all this ,and we live in an apartment so this is a great challenge for us. Yet we are striving to make a difference. We try to only purchase organic fruits and veggies. We buy real butter instead of margarine, and are looking into which grocer sells meat that has no hormones or coloring of any sort. We would start a small box garden but our deck does not get sufficient sunlight. Like I said we are new at all this, and have only just started. Thanks for all your articles."

Thanks to

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