Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Using Solar Power. How to Recycle and save free Energy

Is time to hear what other people have to say about the environment, about what are they doing.

People have come to us and say is hard to do what Agua-Luna does, but you don't have to do it all, neither change it all in a shot, start with little steps and learn from these examples:

"I feel very strongly that we could all be doing a bit more to help the environment. The world as a whole does not have infinite resources and we must make more of an effort to make people aware of this, especially youngsters.
A family living opposite me, 2 adults with a 1 year old regularly put out 6 bin bags and never seem to use their recycling bin and this upsets me hugely. My family have 1 bag and recycle everything possible. I compost all I can, buy little and often to reduce waste, try to buy as little packaging with food, drive less and am aware of trying to cut petrol usage with sensible braking etc. I make an effort to unplug things that would otherwise go on standby, turn off lights where possible and use low energy bulbs. Our house has loft insulation and the walls have been done too. I am frugal with the water we use, there are bricks in our cisterns to cut flush water levels and we shower instead of bath. My garden lights are solar powered.

I have recently been writing to manufacturers pushing to have things packaged in bags or alternatives to glass jars and feel that much more could be done by the big boys to reduce waste too. The Corona pop lorry would come round and take back empty bottles and you were paid to return them, sensible I think, why not have a similar scheme now? Supermarkets in France have battery recycling bins and this should be encouraged here too. Surely if it was made easier for us to do things like this it would help.

I am confused by the recyclables symbols on things like yogurt pots, having been told by the man at the recycling center its the wrong plastic to go in with bottles and just hope it means they will degrade over time.

I am constantly horrified at how much rubbish is lying around our small island and wish people took more of a pride in the world in which we all live. Having said that though, on the 1/2mile walk to our local supermarket there is not one rubbish bin and so there are always heaps of cans, bottles and wrappers lying around, but there are 5 dog waste bins! As a small child growing up in South Wales people did take pride in the outside of their properties and I remember ladies washing their front steps and sweeping the pavements. Nowadays I am ashamed to say I have seem people stop at their doors and throw wrappers over their shoulders onto the ground and shutting the door!

I think education is the key and have a loud voice that I would love the opportunity to have heard, thanks so much for at least giving me this small chance to rant!"

Thanks to Belinda Lewis Bird

Unplug things instead leaving them on stand by can represent a huge save on e electricity. We recommend to have your appliances or electronics on power strips to make this task easy.

You can also check out the new intelligent power strips that are being develop to save energy like checktap

Monday, September 8, 2008

Living Environmental Friendly. Start Homesteading with organic food, recycling and avoiding the toll on Gas prices

Is time to hear what other people have to say about the environment, about what are they doing.

People have come to us and say is hard to do what Agua-Luna does, but you don't have to do it all, neither change it all in a shot, start with little steps and learn from these examples:

"Hi, my name is Iris, and this is what me and my family are doing for the environment. First we live near our jobs therefore using the car less and less. We are using canvas bags to bring our groceries home. We are switching over to florescent light bulbs. Next I have taken T- shirts that no longer fit our children and are in great condition and have turn them into some cool pillow case, they are soft and a conversation piece. I have decided to turn a laundry canvas hampers into recycle bins. We are new at all this ,and we live in an apartment so this is a great challenge for us. Yet we are striving to make a difference. We try to only purchase organic fruits and veggies. We buy real butter instead of margarine, and are looking into which grocer sells meat that has no hormones or coloring of any sort. We would start a small box garden but our deck does not get sufficient sunlight. Like I said we are new at all this, and have only just started. Thanks for all your articles."

Thanks to